Białowieża tourist anemities


Anemities in Białowieża ATM/Cash machine –  The village has two ATMs. One is on the outside the municipality offices at Sportowa 1. Another can be found in the Petrol Station at Pałacowa 73. Bike rental – The best place is Bike Café at the entrance to the Palace Park at Kolejowa 13. This bike rental […]

How to get to Białowieża

Warsaw is the nearest transport hub to Białowieża. From there, you have three options: car, bus and train. The first is by far the most convenient. But the others are also relatively easy. Either way, take time to admire the view once you cross the border into Podlaskie Province. You’ll see none of the megafarms […]

When to visit? The climate of Białowieża Forest


Białowieża Forest undergoes remarkable change over the course of a year. A visit during any season is worthwhile, as each has its own unique charm and character. Read on to find out what to expect in each of the four seasons. Summer and Winter represent the two opposing states of the forest: the state of […]

The best restaurants in Białowieża

There are a variety of restaurants in Białowieża for visitors to choose from. Most serve hearty, traditional regional cooking. As elsewhere in Eastern Europe, the standard is a 2-course meal: soup followed by a meat dish that usually includes carbs (potatoes or chips) and salad/veg. Pierogi (Polish dumplings) and wild game (even bison) are also […]

A brief tourist guide to Białowieża Forest


Białowieża Primeval Forest is one of Europe’s premiere natural wonders, and visitors are always eager to get stuck in and experience the forest’s prehistoric landscapes. But making the most out of a visit can be harder than many imagine. New arrivals often become bewildered, and begin asking, where are the special parts of the natural […]